LinkedIn Adds Live, Stories, and Features for Remote Events

LinkedIn has been extra busy working on features to adjust to the way we live, work, and use social media.

We are excited to see these familiar additions make their way to the platform known for networking and business interactions. Therefore, we want to ensure you know the best way to use them to your [professional] advantage since more eyeballs are on LinkedIn than ever before.

Read on to learn more about what LinkedIn has been up to lately.

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Following in the footsteps of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, LinkedIn is rolling out the ability to create polls that live directly on your profile.

To create a poll, head to the LinkedIn home screen and click in the “Start a post” area as if you were creating a post/status. At the bottom of the “Create a post” box, you will see an option to “Create a poll.”

Clicking that button will open up another box where you will insert your question, options, and choose from poll durations of 1 day, 3 days, 1 week, or 2 weeks.

Note that political opinions, medical information and other sensitive data is not allowed in polls.

welcome to Linkedin Live… almost

While we are all too familiar with live broadcasting tools on other social platforms, LinkedIn Live is gearing up to give LinkedIn members and brands the ability to speak to their colleagues, employees, and customers/clients in one place.

As of publication, Linked Live is unfortunately not available for everyone just yet but the platform is allowing members, organizations, and brands to fill out an application here. Good luck!

LinkedIn Stories Are on the way

In case you missed our post during our “New Feature Friday” segment in our Instagram Stories, LinkedIn is currently testing LinkedIn Stories in Brazil.

The feature is expected to act just like Stories on Instagram and Facebook, but more will hopefully be revealed in the coming weeks.

Regardless of how the feature looks and feels, it will be a great way for thought leaders to instantly discuss topics that are relevant and important to them.

Linkedin Events

While LinkedIn Events started popping up for some members last fall, not everyone had the ability to create one until recently.

If you are looking to host a virtual or in-person event in the future, head to the LinkedIn home screen and scroll down until you see “Events” on the left-hand side.

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To create an event click the plus-sign (+) next to “Events” and fill out the information. You have the option to be the organizer or you can select a page that you manage.

If the event is virtual, make sure the toggle is blue for the question “Is this an online event?'“

You can also let attendees know where they can tune in (even if the event is not on LinkedIn), include a link to a ticketing website (like Eventbrite), and change the event visibility.

When making posts about the event on your business page, you can tag the event by typing the “@” symbol and including the name of the event just like you would when tagging a LinkedIn member.

Employee Type Labels

LinkedIn recently rolled out the ability to label your Jobs/Experiences based on your employment type.

When creating or editing a role, you can now specify that you are/were full-time, part-time, self-employed, freelance, contract, an intern, or an apprentice.

This is great for those who may have multiple roles/opportunities at once and are still looking for opportunities. For example, a part-time employee may have trouble securing small freelance or contract roles if employers think their current role is a full-time opportunity.

Are you excited for these new features? Is there one that you have been anticipating? Let us know below in the comments!