Clean Up Your Twitter With These Easy Tools
Updated June 6, 2020
In this microwave era of content, it can only take 24 hours for a person to be on The Breakfast Club or be featured in The New York Times before he or she is a household name thanks to syndication. With so many people being pushed into fame so suddenly, it is not surprising that individuals have not had the time to clean up the past (if it is even possible) before the general public starts digging.
Need a recent example? Look no further than Dante Divincenzo of the Villanova men's basketball team. After the Wildcats won the 2018 NCAA men's basketball championship, it was revealed that Divincenzo's tweets from his teenage years were beyond inappropriate, to say the least. The happiest moment of his college career was quickly overshadowed by a handful of tweets.
While we are certainly not advocating that folks should cover up racism, homophobia, misogyny, or anything of that nature, Divincenzo probably wishes that he would have deleted a few tweets from his immature teenage years. If someone were to pull up our Xanga (remember that?) pages from 2006, we would probably be embarrassed due to the non-controversial yet still personal and intimate information we were sharing.
Just thinking about Xanga and old tweets makes us cringe!
While you may not be a fan of cursing on Twitter (or online at all), getting in arguments, or discussing insensitive items, there are certain topics you probably should not have discussed due to a lack of knowledge and experience.
So how do you clean up your Twitter account if you plan to be a public figure, want to get a job/start a business, or you are looking to rebrand?
We are here to plug you in! Take a look at these tips, apps, and programs that can help you wipe away your past Twitter blunders!
Go Through Your Tweets One By One (Free)
This may sound super annoying if you have tens of thousands of tweets, but it will get the job done. Whenever you think of a phrase or topic that you may have discussed, go to Twitter and search "@yourusername WORD" to see every tweet you have ever made with that term. If you find an off the wall tweet that a current friend has tagged you in, consider reaching out to that friend and asking him or her to delete it.
A PG example.
Download Your Twitter Archive (Free)
If you do not want to go through your tweets when you think of a certain phrase, consider going through your tweets in waves after downloading your full Twitter archive. Log in to Twitter on your desktop, click on your photo in the top right-hand corner > Settings and privacy > Your Twitter data > Enter your Twitter password > Request your data.
From there, you will get an email with all of your Twitter Data including your tweets, lists that you are on, media from your Direct Messages and more.
TwitWipe (Free)
TwitWipe will rid you of all of your tweets at one time! Their site does mention that it takes a while to do this, so it is probably not a good option if you are in a serious time crunch!
TweetDelete (Free)
Have a low number of tweets but still want a fresh start? If so, consider using TweetDelete. This service will check your account every so often for new tweets that have become older than the age specified when you signed up. However, the program will only delete the latest 3,200 tweets in your account so your earliest tweets may still be active! If you want to wipe them all, use the service a few times.
TweetEraser (Free+ Premium Options)
The TweetEraser platform claims it can help clean up your tweets and your favorites which is a major plus! With three different pricing structures, you can find the one that best fits your needs and your dirty mouth.
Scrubber ($19)
Scrubber has a cool website with clear instructions regarding what they can offer, but it is important to realize that the only service that is free is post/tweet discovery. They will go in and flag the bad content you have, and then you can pay for them to clean up the flagged content. Simple!
Tweeticide ($2.99)
Tweeticide is another iOS option for deleting your tweets. Be sure to sort the reviews by “Most Recent” to ensure the app is still functioning as there are some reports of the app going down here and there.
TweetDeleter (Free-ish?)
With 1.3 million users, TweetDeleter seems to be the most popular option amongst them all. The service is free, but it looks like it had a premium option at one point as well as an unlimited option and a yearly subscription. A quick Twitter search will show you all of the users who have used the product so far!
#DeleteYourAccount and Start Over (Free)
If your Twitter account is simply beyond repair, it may be best to delete it and start over. Remember: Even if you change your current Twitter handle, the tweets you have made will still follow you as each Twitter user has a unique ID.
The major key here: Stay ready so you do not have to get ready. Which method will you try in order to spring clean your Twitter?